OxyJEne, our CSR Commitment

In 2019, for its 50th anniversary, EDHEC Junior Etudes launched a large scale project : we decided to create the CSR investment fund called OxyJEne, intended to become the only official fund for all Junior-Enterprises : each member pays part of its turnover to finance CSR projects. As a result, each member pays 1% of its turnover to the fund. Nowadays, many Junior-Enterprises have joined our initiative in order to invest in intermediary companies that respect CSR standards.

The founder, Edouard van Grembergen and the strategy department decided to launch an open discussion within the Junior-Entreprise. The exchange sessions organized between the 45 members who make up the association confirmed the desire to participate in the resolution of a contemporary issue.

For 4 years now, OxyJEne has partnered with EcoTree, a forest management company that offers individuals and companies the chance to invest in trees, carbon sequestration and biodiversity preservation.

Learn more about OxyJEne :


A few figures about OxyJEne

10 Junior-Entreprises membres
Several thousand euros paid out each year
Twenty hectares reforested
First-ranked CSR Junior-Enterprise